Seal Coating Alleyways and Walkways


All asphalt walkways and alleyways are the responsibility of the homeowner’s association.  As part of normal maintenance, all asphalt walkways and alleyways will be cleaned, repaired if needed and then seal coated.

Please do not use walkways or alleyways for 24 hours after it is seal coated.  It is important to keep off them so they can properly dry.

When your alleyway is seal coated you cannot drive on it for 24 hours.  You will be notified prior to the work being done in you alleyway.  Please park vehicles on the county maintained streets if you need to use the vehicle the day your area is seal coated.  Watch your front doors for sealcoating notices.

Following is a map an the schedule – color coded.


STRIPPING:  10/02/2020

If you have any questions, please email us.