Building Exterior Maintenance and Improvements

Exterior Improvements, including landscaping, made to the property require approval of the Architectural Review Board (ARB) prior to commencement of the improvement. ARB guidelines, including satellite dish installation, seasonal decorations, landscaping and other can be found in the Documents section of this web site. Please contact our  Wickham Park Manager from Sentry Management if you are in need of an application.

Proper maintenance and upkeep of lots and homes is the most important factor that we as residents can influence to maintain property values. Please help maintain the character of our community by making sure that you comply with the requirements of our deed restrictions. The following items are common issues that you can help us address:

  • Maintain the exterior of your home in a neat, orderly and attractive manner.
  • Exterior paint touch up colors are available from the management company, thanks for helping to make Wickham Park such a wonderful community.
  • Do not attach anything to the buildings or garages. The can damage the paint and stucco which may result in mold growth inside the walls. This includes growing any plants that may climb the walls.