Sentry Management has assigned Maria Schockling as the Wickham Park Homeowner’s Association community manager effective January 1st, 2022.
Our association manager, Maria can be contacted at 407-846-6323, ask for the Wickham Park Homeowners Association manager. Her extension is: 55010. Also, Iriann’s email address is: .
Residents are encouraged to email Wickham Park Homeowner Association questions to the Sentry Community Care center. That email address is:
Sentry Management’s office address is:
601 East Oak Street, Suite C, Kissimmee, FL 34744
The Fax number for the Sentry office is: 407-846-0301
Maria has been working for some time for Sentry Management. She will be working with our prior manager, Iriann, to transition to our community manager.