Short Term Rentals Are Not Allowed (Airbnb, etc)

The Wickham Park association covenants do not allow for short term rentals.  Property rentals must be for a minimum of 6 months.

No Rental

Also, the townhouses and standalone townhouses within Wickham Park are restricted to single family dwellings.  Room rentals are a violation of the association covenants as room rentals are considered to be multi-family dwellings in addition to violating the short term rental restriction.

Please report any Wickham park unit renter or owner that is violating these covenants (email address:  They will persued by our association legal council.  Other communities have sued individuals for violating the association covenants and the owner/renter violating the rules have faced monetary penalties and are also held responsible for association legal and court fees incurred by the association when challenging these rentals.

No Vacancy