Our community pool area is restricted to residents, renters and their guests. Entry to the pool area requires a pool access card. Residents can obtain replacement access cards. To obtain a replacement card, complete the “FORM WICKHAM PARK GATECARD.pdf” document that…
Trash and Recycling – Large Trash Item Pickup
Use only the Orange County provided trash and recycle containers. Do not place plastic bags for pick up without being placed in the covered waste receptacle. Place them for pick up no earlier than 6:00 p.m., the night before and remove…
Pet Waste Cleanup Information – Doody Calls
The Homeowners Association has received complaints from residents finding discarded pet waste near and around their residence. Please deposit the pet waste properly in the 9 pet waste and bag stations around the property. Thank you to all the pet owners…
Pet Information
Keep pets on a leash when they are not in your home or courtyard. This is an Orange County law. Make sure that they are not a nuisance to any neighbor due to their barking or other activities. Please use…
Neighborhood Watch
More of us are shopping on-line these days. We avoid the crowded stores and it is usually much more convenient. Unfortunately there are individuals that are now taking advantage of all the packages being delivered to our door steps. It…
Wickham Park Landscaping Manager from Platinum Landscaping
Wickham Park Landscaping Manager from Platinum Landscaping: Nick Brosonski serves as our association landscaping manager from Platinum Landscaping. He can be contacted via email at nick@platinumlandscapingfl.com for assistance. Nick can help with sprinkler head replacement / repair and programming the sprinkler system timers.
Termite Abatement Schedule and Pest Control Information
Our termite abatement company, Ohana, has completed the application of the termite control solution around all buildings. The termite control solution has been applied to the following addresses : November 30, 2018 12966 to 12995 Calderdale Ave., 12801 to 12993 Emersondale Ave., 12748…
Street Light and Sidewalk Repair Information
Duke Energy is responsible for repairing street lights. Street lights that are faulty or completely out can be reported to Duke Energy on their Street Light Repair web page. The main public walkways are maintained by Orange County. Private dwelling…
Building Unit Insurance
Building insurance is required by all owners/renters. Please provide our Wickham Park Manager from Sentry Management with a copy of your policy for our files. Wickham Park Homeowner Association must be listed on your policy as additionally insured.
For Rent / For Sale Signs and Rental Agreements
Only Architectural Review Committee approved “For Rent” or “For Sale” signs may be used. A copy of all signed current rental agreements are to be provided to the Wickham Park Board.